Paso Robles Raises Enough Cash for 4th Fireworks Display Show

City: Paso Robles
State: CA
Date: 4th July
Show contact: (805) 227-PASO (7276)
Event website:
Fireworks display company:???
Details:The City of Paso Robles has raised enough cash to bring back it's annual fireworks show. The show will be held on the 4th of July at Barney Schwartz Park of HWY 46 East. The entire event costs $75,000. For the past 8 years, a group of private donors have funded the actual fireworks, which cost $40,000. The city has funded the remaining $35,000. This year, however, due to financial strains Paso Robles could not pay for it's portion, so the community rallied together to help raise the extra funds. The event is free to the public and will include a children's costume contest.For more information, go to
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