Table Rock forth of July fireworks display

City: Springfield
State: MO
Date: Fourth of July
Show Contact: 858-6330.
Event Website:
Fireworks display company:
The Fire and Thunder Golf Tournament is scheduled Saturday at Kings River Golf Course, near Shell Knob.The event, sponsored by the Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce and Kings River Golf Course, supports the July 4 annual fireworks display over Table Rock Lake in Shell Knob.The Fire & Thunder Golf Tournament is a four-person scramble for men and women. The 18-hole Kings River Golf Course, on Lake Road 39-72, will host the 9 a.m. shot-gun start. The course is on a long peninsula of Table Rock Lake.The $50 per person entry fee includes golf cart use, lunch, prizes for winning teams, door prizes and additional contest prizes. Two $100 cash prizes will be awarded: one for closest to the pin and one for the longest drive. One player will win an airplane ride over Table Rock Lake.For information or to enter a team call Kings River Golf Course at 858-6330.
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