Saturday, July 4th Concert & Fireworks display show

City: Boston
Date:4th July 10:30PM
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Fireworks display company:Rozzi Fireworks
Details:Sure, the economy’s in the pits. But Bostonians will still get their Fourth of July fireworks, according to the event’s organizers. Heading into its 36th year, the celebration is fully funded, thanks to its primary sponsor Liberty Mutual, according to event spokesman Steve MacDonald. A Liberty Mutual spokesman added the company provides $2 million annually for the event.
“There will be no scaling back,” MacDonald told Metro last month.
The concert and fireworks draw between 400,000 to 600,000 spectators to the Hatch Shell, on Charles River bridges and along the river's banks. Organizers are still finalizing who the special musical guest will be to play along with the Boston Pops, MacDonald said. Last year, the Rascal Flatts performed.
The city has also budgeted $175,000 — mostly for police and EMS overtime pay — for the July 3 Boston Pops rehearsal, the July 4 parade and the Pops concert that night, according to Julie Burns, the city’s director of arts, tourism & special events.
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