Celebrate Independence Day at the Fireworks Display Extravaganza on Barren River Lake

City:Bowling Green
Date:4th July
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Fireworks display company
Details: Celebrate Independence Day at the Fireworks Extravaganza on Barren River Lake on July 4! Thanks to contributions received from citizens and businesses in Allen, Barren and Warren Counties, America’s birthday will be celebrated in grand style at the State Park.Upon learning that state funding was eliminated for fireworks events at state parks across Kentucky, the Friends of Barren River Lake, Inc. took the local event and started a fund-raising campaign. The Friends group is a 501 (c) 3 organization made up of people interested in the betterment of Barren River Lake and encompasses activities for water safety, visitor safety, environmental, conservation and educational issues, and recreational activities at Barren River Lake.It will be a great weekend to celebrate the Fourth of July in Glasgow and Barren County. On Friday, July 3, the Tenth Annual Concert on The Square with the Louisville Orchestra will begin at 7:00pm in downtown Glasgow!
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