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Indonesian Muslims Celebrate Eid with Fireworks


With the end of Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, the Muslims held big event including pray, family gatherings,also big fireworks displays to celebrate the Eid.

There are over 200 million Muslins in Indonesia, which makes it the world’s most Muslim-populous country.

Eid is the most important festival for in the Muslins world, people headed to the local mosques for morning prayers early at dawn, and spend the daytime with their family also offer gifts and give charities.

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Liuyang Prepares for the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Fireworks Displays





As we know that the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games is upcoming on Augest 16th. The opening ceremony Fireworks show is intense preparations now.

All the fireworks products that will be used on the event is provided by 5 companies in Liuyang, which includes cold products, display shell, row of fireworks,etc. The planners have done a proper deployment on the testing and creativity of the event, to ensure the safety and overall outcome.

The cold products and shell products have completed 80% to 90% for now.



Liuyang se prepara para los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud 2014 en Nanjing apertura espectáculos de fuegos artificiales de la ceremonia

Liuyang se prépare pour les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 2014 Nanjing Cérémonie d’ouverture Affiche de feux d’artifice

Люян готовится к Нанкин 2014 Молодежная Олимпийских игр Церемония открытия фейерверки

Et in eo paravit in Liuyang Aenean Nanjing MMXIV Olympia foramen caerimonia fireworks Displays

Liuyang si prepara per la Nanjing 2014 Giochi Olimpici della Gioventù Opening Ceremony fuochi d’artificio

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Selected Works of the 11th China (Liuyang) International Fireworks Culture Festival Photo Contest





China (Liuyang) international fireworks culture festival, starting from 1991, was organized by Liuyang government. And the event includes purchasing meeting,  artistic performance, fireworks displays, and photo contest.

Liuyang was known as the “city of fireworks”, and the fireworks production capacity of this city accounted for over 70% percent of the whole country.




China (Liuyang) cultura festival internacional de fuegos artificiales, a partir de 1991, fue organizada por el gobierno de Liuyang. Y el evento incluye la compra de reunión, manifestación artísticas, espectáculos de fuegos artificiales, y el concurso de fotografía.
Liuyang era conocida como la “ciudad de los fuegos artificiales”, y la capacidad de producción de fuegos artificiales de esta ciudad representó más del 70% por ciento de todo el país.


Chine (Liuyang) festival de culture de feux d’artifice internationaux, à partir de 1991, a été organisée par le gouvernement Liuyang. Et l’événement comprend réunion achat, la performance artistique, feux d’artifice, et un concours de photo.
Liuyang a été connu comme la «ville des feux d’artifice”, et la capacité de cette ville de la production de feux d’artifice ont représenté plus de 70 pour cent de% de l’ensemble du pays.


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Little Boy was Killed by Fireworks in Saudi


A little boy named Rawaf was killed in a fireworks accident, the fireworks exploded and caused badly skull fractures and hemorrhage. Rawaf was sent to the hospital immediately, but the doctors couldn’t save his life.

The police said that the fireworks exploded in Rawaf’s hand, and the fireworks also damaged the house in the southern Saudi province of Janzan.

Un petit garçon nommé Rawaf a été tué dans un accident de feux d’artifice, les feux d’artifice ont explosé et causé mal fractures du crâne et une hémorragie.Rawaf a été envoyé immédiatement à l’hôpital, mais les médecins ne pouvait passauver sa vie.

La police a déclaré que les feux d’artifice ont explosé dans la main de Rawaf, etles feux d’artifice ont également endommagé la maison dans la province du sud de l’Arabie Janzan.

Parvulus appellatur Rawaf interfectus in fireworks in casu, audito, et fecit malumin pompa, et omnia ossa cerebro HAEMORRHAGIA. Missus extemplo Rawafelit, sed medici non salvabit animam suam.

At quod explosa pompa in Rawaf manu, et quoque damnum pompa domum incuius australi plaga Saudi Janzan provincia.

Un niño llamado Rawaf murió en un accidente de fuegos artificiales, fuegos artificiales explotaron y causaron mal fracturas de cráneo y hemorragia. Rawaffue enviada inmediatamente al hospital, pero los médicos no pudieron salvar su vida.

La policía dijo que los fuegos artificiales explotaron en la mano de Rawaf, y los fuegos artificiales también dañaron la casa en la provincia sureña de ArabiaJanzan.

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Grand Fireworks Performance in Macau

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The 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest will be Held on September, ten teams from all over the world will offer a wonderful show above the sea across Macau Tower.

Macau International Fireworks Display Contest is hosted by the Macau Government Tourist Office, and the event was first held in 1989, and now it is becoming influential international events.

The teams this year comes from China, France, Italy, Australia, Korea, Croatia, Portugal, Poland and Spain, and the performances day is September 8, 13, 20, 27 and October 1.

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Fireworks Enterprises Started High-temperature Shutdown in China

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Fireworks Enterprises Started High-temperature Shutdown in China

Becuse the weather of China is entering the high-temperature mode, fireworks factories will start high-temperature shutdown for safety reasons from July 20 to August 20.

Since it is busy season for the Europe orders during the cut-off time, the government published a notice to the factories earlier this year so the enterprises have sufficient time to adjust the production.

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Vancouver Fireworks is Coming!

111 Fireworks - Celebration of lights - Vancouver

The 2014 Vancouver Fireworks Celebration Of Light will kick off on July 26, and this year visitors will enjoy the best fireworks performances provided by the teams of US,France and Japan.

The tradition of annual celebration of light fireworks competition in Vancouver is first started at 1990, and soon became one of the most famous fireworks competitions around the world, this year’s performances runs on July 26, July 30 and August 2.

Vancouver’s celebration of Light defines the summer, and it also will attract the best fireworks designers from all over the world.



Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

All shows begin at 10pm


English Bay, Vancouver

Here’s important stuff you need to know:

The roads into the West End will be closed at 7:30pm on competition days and there are no parking.

Smoking is not allowed.

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Fort Madison Moved the Fireworks Display to July 27


Because of the high water levels of July 4, the government of Fort Madison postponed the 2014 fireworks display, and the show will be part of the closing ceremony of Fort Madison’s 175th anniversary event.

The show is slated to begin at about 9:30 pm. and will be set to music, which hasn’t been done for a number of years.

This free community event is made possible by the generous donations from many individuals and businesses in the community. No rain date has been determined but Gobble says the forecast will be watched as the date approaches.

For more details about the display, contact the Fort Madison Partners office at 319-372-5471.

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Pawleys Island Annonced New Ordincance on Fireworks




Pawleys island has enforced a zero tolerance for fireworks since 1990, Because the house on

the island are built close.

Now the officials was planning to lower the firework violation fine from $1000 to $150, and
the initiative means the island will issuing more tickets and fewer warning for setting off

“The warning is useless, and the behavior didn’t stop.”

The Police Chief Micheal Fanning says that a windy evening or windy day can be deadly, he
hopes that the people on the island will take this as a learning experience.