Sturtevant Fireworks Display to Go On

City: Sturtevant
Date: 4th July
Show contact:; 262.412.5578.
Event website:
Fireworks display company:
STURTEVANT - While several communities are cutting budgets, some towns are doing whatever they can to save a holiday tradition.
Local communities are facing big budget cuts. The Bartolotta family says one thing they aren't giving up though, is their fireworks shows. Fireworks and the 4th of July go hand in hand. In Sturtevant, the annual display draws thousands.
Jazz Singh and his family look forward to the tradition every year. "They're always exciting. They're always good to watch."
Just a few months ago, organizers announced they'd have to cancel the big show.
"It made me feel sad that this longtime tradition could end," said organizer Linda Busha.
They aren't alone. The Bartolotta family provides fireworks for many local displays. Some communities like Sturtevant initially called to cancel, but nearly all have now come up with the money to make it happen.
"It's just one of those American traditions and you really want to give people something to look forward to and not have to continually cut things."
An outpouring of support and donations have allowed Sturtevant to raise more than $10,000 for fireworks.
The city is charging $5 to park this year, and they're hoping people support their concessions stand so they can cover the cost of the show.
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