Fireworks display show will go on after all in Ahwatukee

City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Date: 9 p.m. July 3
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Details: The Ahwatukee Foothills is getting its July 3 fireworks show after all.
A last-minute fundraising push, assisted by Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio, brought in the last $5,000 the Ahwatukee Foothills Chamber of Commerce needed to schedule the $25,000 show at the Ahwatukee Country Club.
"When I found out we might not be getting the fireworks, I was disappointed for myself and for my family," said DiCiccio, who lives in Ahwatukee with his wife and two daughters.
"We are in such tough times we need to have these events and stay together as a community."
The free show is scheduled for 9 p.m. July 3 at the golf course, 12432 S 48th St.
The chamber has co-sponsored Independence Day fireworks shows at Rawhide at Wild Horse Pass, south of Ahwatukee on the Gila River Indian Community, since 2005. This year community residents circulated petitions to have the show in Ahwatukee.
In April, the chamber announced plans for the July 3 show, giving the business organization only a short time to come up with the money it needed.
A week ago plans for the show were in limbo, when chamber officials found out it would cost $25,000 - $5,000 more than planned because of high city permit and security fees.
Terri Kimble, chamber president and chief executive officer, said at a Tuesday morning press conference that a couple of large checks from donors who wish to remain anonymous, as well as small amounts from Ahwatukee families, helped the organization reach its goal.
"This speaks volumes about what Ahwatukee is all about," she said. "Ahwatukee is awesome."
Kimble, who joined the chamber in April, said after the press conference that she had been "a little bit nervous" about raising so much money so quickly.
"When we started this project we started with zero," she said. "But we listened to the community and took their request to bring the fireworks back to heart.
"The community of Ahwatukee really stepped up to the plate. Even the Ahwatukee Little League donated a dollar for every child who is on the team."
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