Port Clinton 4th of July fireworks display

Date: July 4th
Show Contact: Port Clinton City Councile 419-734-0515
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Details: PORT CLINTON -- Port Clinton High School students have come to the rescue for this year's Independence Day fireworks event.
"It's a great day, an absolutely wonderful day. It started out spectacular," said Port Clinton City Councilman Mike Snider, who is in charge of the July 4 events.
He received a call from the advisor of the school's Leadership Council. "His question was, 'How much money does the fireworks still need?'" Snider said.
He said $1,300 was needed to make the $8,000 goal.
The students donated the 1,300 "wonderful, explosive dollars," Snider said. "The fireworks are paid for and now we have to worry about the community band concert and the parade, and of course everything left over will be carried over until next year."
"It was a nice treat for all of us, I think," said Mike Spencer, co-advisor of the Leadership Council. "Throughout the year, we have several fundraisers that we put on." The students run the concession stand during basketball games and also organize the school's homecoming event.
"We had some money left over for the school year," the advisor said. "This morning we unanimously decided to make whatever contribution was needed to make up the difference ... The kids are excited to be part of something special."
School Superintendent Pat Adkins said he was thrilled about the donation. "We're certainly very proud that they did that. It's nice to see our kids do that for the community," he said.
Donations may be made at the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Checks should be written to the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, with the word "fireworks" written in the memo line. Donation buckets are also available at several city businesses.
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