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Visual Treat: the Plymouth Fireworks Championships is Coming!

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This year, the British Fireworks Championships will be held in Plymouth, it is one of the best fireworks displays in the UK,there are 6 top pyrotechnic companies which will give performances in September 12 and 13, the organizers says that 2 tonnes of fireworks will be set off during the event.

The championship will be started at 6:30pm, and fireworks at 9:30pm, there will also be entertainments and food, tens of thousands of spectators will come and watch this show.
This year’s game is hosted by TESA(the event services association)and plymouth city council, there will be a winner each night and overall winner will be announced in the end of Wednesday night.


Visual Treat: los Plymouth Fireworks Campeonato se acerca!

Visivo Treat: i Plymouth Fireworks Championships è in arrivo!

Traiter visuel: Fireworks Championnats Plymouth est à venir!

Prout visum est: Plymouth elementum Championships qui venturus est

Визуальное удовольствие: в Плимут Фейерверк Чемпионат Скоро!

Augenschmaus: Die Plymouth Feuerwerk-Meisterschaften kommt!