“Quiet” Fireworks, how to celebrate respectfully.
Although more and more states, and locales are legalizing fireworks, most recently Iowa and Georgia in the USA it has brought some friction among residents, both for and against the age old pops and bangs used to celebrate freedoms, religions and many festivals around the world.
Pyrotechnic enthusiasts all appreciate the vast array of colors produced by the magical metal powders, and most enjoy a good loud, chest thumping burst in the sky to get the heart beating. One of the loudest, and most popular “effects” is the Titanium Salute, it is just a bright flash of light followed by a thundering boom that can be heard for miles, often setting off car alarms in the vicinity with it’s concussion. Salutes are limited to professionals and only seen in large town displays and festivals.
Here is a video example of Titanium Salutes:
On the flip side, for the consumers celebrating in the thousands of towns around the world the very loud fireworks can cause frustration. Especially for people with sensitive pets, or even veterans who can be disturbed by the louder noises. Alas! There is a solution for those wanting to celebrate respectfully of their neighbors, as there are plenty of fireworks that do not break the decibal meters, or a dog’s ears. These fireworks can include both aerial and ground devices.
Let’s first look at some common ground and handheld pyrotechnics that would fit the bill perfectly.
- Sparklers. Loudness rating: 1. Available in many colors and effects including crackling and color stars.
- Smoke Balls. Loudness Rating: 1. Available in every color of the rainbow, best used in the daytime.
- Fountains. Loudness Rating: 1-3. Fountains have many effects available and can range from almost silent to a moderately loud crackle. Always read the performance description on the label.
- Snaps. Loudness Rating: 1. A favorite for the kiddo’s, just toss em on the ground for a quick “snap”
- Sky Lanterns. Loudness Rating: 0. Completely silent, even popular at funerals as a memorial send off.
Here is a video example of a quiet Fountain:
Now let’s take a look at some more exciting products, aerial devices! (that are still very low noise) These products usually shoot a shell or tube into the air that then breaks into it’s designed effect.
- Roman Candles. Loudness Rating: 3. Candles come in many effects, and are generally quiter than
larger cake, or repeater type devices as they use a smaller diameter tube.
- Parachutes. Loudness Rating: 2. Parachutes are great to keep the kids ebtertained during the day and emit very little noise at all.
- Flying Fish Effect. Loudness Rating: 3. Fish are a very neat effect available in many colors, the effect does not require a hard “break” to open the shell, and the colors seem to float and spread into the sky.
- Waterfalls. Loudness Rating: 3. Waterfalls, or Horsetails are another soft breaking effect while still producing a dazzling display in the night sky.
- Comets. Loudness Rating: 3. Comets are a trail from the ground up into the sky until they burn out and can be very pretty.
Here is an example of a comet cake:
So don’t be discouraged, hopefully this article helps for those who enjoy celebrating with fireworks but is an area where noise is an issue.